Monday, December 30, 2013

a year of ethical fashion

so i spotted pip encouraging people to
join her in pledging to a
Year of Ethical Fashion 2014
now this is my kind of thing
i have for most of my adult life bought
second hand or upcycled clothing
i love buying from a maker when i can
i own plenty of clothes to meet my needs
& i'd like to join in a swap thing somewhere, sometime
oh & now i have been back sewing
clothes for me ......
these are small grass roots ideas that are not new
all of history has determined that our textile industry
requires of us to have these attitudes to sustain our resources
sub or lack of standard conditions for workers are not new either
what is new is that our world wide economy of scale
has escalated over the last generation+
we are not satisfied with what we need
our desires to have more
accesibilty to more economic clothing
& the hype of fashion that creates 
some kind of 'socially approving' desire
to want to have to use up & to discard
we have created an impossible whirlwind that our planet can not sustain
then there is the issue or what is 
fair conditions & fair payment
from the very production of textile fibers
to the actual garments
there are more and more companies
Oxfam Australia regularly posts on their face book page
join in over there too ....

so in 2014 ..... i 'pledge' to be always mindful in 
shopping/sourcing for
clothing to wear for both myself & my family .....
that it be ....
:: bought from ethical makers 
= fair trade or handmade sellers
:: bought second hand
:: made by myself
:: be it already in our wardrobes
:: swapped or borrowed or gifted items

essentially i have what i 'need'
but in finding 'my-style' which is a
'first-world' fashion esthetic ..... 
i would of course like to have 'new-to-me' items
since May '13 i've made myself lots of new items
they are unique, fitted to me & my taste
& i can only hope that the people involved
in the production of the fibers were treated 'fairly'
who knows ..... probably not!?
but at least i'm half way to helping getting this 'right'
join in ....

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